Update on New OSHA Emergency Temporary Standards Regarding Vaccine Mandates
Update on New OSHA Emergency Temporary Standards Regarding Vaccine Mandates On November 4, 2021, OSHA issued Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) rules mandating companies with at least 100 employees implement a vaccination or testing mandate for all their workers. A PowerPoint provided by our partners at Cozen O’Conner goes into more detail and can be downloaded…
Read MoreOSHA Issues Vaccine Mandate Rules for Companies With At Least 100 Employees
OSHA Issues Vaccine Mandate Rules for Companies With At Least 100 Employees Last week, OSHA issued new rules setting a deadline of December 5th for covered companies to either: Implement a mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy (allowing only legal exceptions); or Implement a “soft” COVID-19 vaccination policy, allowing employees to choose either vaccination or to provide…
Read MoreSubmit Your Building Engineer Agreement Signatory Forms
Submit Your Building Engineer Agreement Signatory Forms July 21, 2020 BOMA/Chicago has begun negotiations for a new Building Engineers Agreement with the International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE) Local 399. The current list of signatories will not carry over to the new Agreement; once the new agreement is signed, all signatories to the existing Agreement…
Read MoreNew City Labor Laws in Effect July 1: Minimum Wage, Fair Work Week and Anti-Retaliation
New City Labor Laws in Effect July 1: Minimum Wage, Fair Work Week and Anti-Retaliation June 24, 2020 Minimum Wage and Paid Sick Leave This July 1, the minimum wage will increase from $13.00 to either $13.50 or $14.00 per hour (depending on the number of workers at a business). For qualifying employers with 21 or…
Read MoreMaximize Your Remote Working Efficiency with These Four Tips
Maximize Your Remote Working Efficiency with These Four Tips Have you been operating at maximum efficiency throughout the stay at home order? If we’re honest, we can all note areas in our professional lives where efficiency has been impacted. For some the impact is minuscule, for others the impact is catastrophic. No matter where you…
Read MoreBOMA International Submits Recommendations to Congressional Leadership
BOMA International Submits Recommendations to Congressional Leadership April 16, 2020 On Thursday, April 16, BOMA International sent a letter outlining recommendations to ensure the physical safety and economic security of the commercial buildings sector to congressional leadership as Congress considers additional COVID-19 relief legislation. The letter was signed by BOMA President Henry Chamberlain and Chair Scott…
Read MoreRecap of Federal Economic Relief in Response to Coronavirus
Recap of Federal Economic Relief in Response to Coronavirus March 20, 2020 On Wednesday, March 18, 2020, the Senate passed the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, and President Trump signed the bill into law. BOMA/Chicago’s labor law firm, Cozen O’Connor, provided a recap of some of the major provisions of the law which includes…
Read MoreLabor Contract Guidance for Signatory Buildings
Labor Contract Guidance for Signatory Buildings March 20, 2020 False rumors have been circulating to the effect that BOMA/Chicago and SEIU Local 1 have reached an agreement on changes to the collective bargaining agreements between us covering janitorial and security personnel as they relate to compensation for time off and reduced scheduling related to the…
Read MoreGovernor Pritzker Signs State Stay at Home Order; Building Management and Maintenance Categorized as Essential Infrastructure
Governor Pritzker Signs State Stay at Home Order; Building Management and Maintenance Categorized as Essential Infrastructure March 20, 2020 Governor JB Pritzker announced today he signed a statewide stay at home order, aiming to keep new cases of COVID-19 from rapidly increasing and ensure the state’s health care system remains fully operational to treat patients…
Read MoreJust How ‘Fair’ is the City’s New Fair Workweek Ordinance?
Just How ‘Fair’ is the City’s New Fair Workweek Ordinance? By Michael Cornicelli, BOMA/Chicago Executive Vice President Most BOMA/Chicago members know us as the champion for all aspects of the commercial real estate industry through our education, advocacy and networking efforts. Yet an interesting fact many people are surprised to learn is that one of…
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