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Partnerships with City Officials: A Key Component to Advocacy Success

Partnerships with City Officials: A Key Component to Advocacy Success By Ron Tabaczynski, BOMA/Chicago Director of Government Affairs Advocating on behalf of our members is one of the most important and valuable services a trade association like BOMA/Chicago provides.  Our members clearly look to us to be the voice for commercial real estate in the City of…

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A Guaranteed Return on Investment: Your BOMA/Chicago Membership Dues

A Guaranteed Return on Investment: Your BOMA/Chicago Membership Dues By BOMA/Chicago Did you know that your BOMA/Chicago membership dues accrue a direct dollar for dollar benefit to your property, staff and building owners? As all of you are preparing to pay your 2014 BOMA/Chicago invoices by January 30, we wanted to take time to reflect…

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Death of the Office Door

Moto Mobility’s rendering of a planned recreation area.

Death of the Office Door By the BOMA/Chicago Emerging Leaders Subcommittee What do open seating workspaces, Zen rooms, fully loaded kitchens, outdoor decks, Lego conference tables and open bars have in common? All are located in downtown Chicago office spaces and are part of a technology-driven trend that addresses the changing needs of today’s office…

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How to Effectively Plan Ahead for 2014’s Concealed Carry Act

How to Effectively Plan Ahead for 2014’s Concealed Carry Act By BOMA/Chicago Security Committee Many Chicagoans would be shocked to see a “No Guns Allowed” sign at the entrance of a hospital. To us, this is implicit knowledge. Richard A. Devine, a Former State’s Attorney and current Partner at Meckler Bulger Tilson Marick & Pearson,…

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The Prestige of Taking Home a TOBY Award

The Prestige of Taking Home a TOBY Award By BOMA/Chicago The buildings you manage are more than just brick and mortar and a checklist of passed inspections. Their sturdiness is not solely based on the metal foundations lining the walls. The buildings you walk into each morning do not just house profitable commercial square footage.…

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State Fire Marshall Withdraws Sprinkler Proposal

State Fire Marshall Withdraws Sprinkler Proposal August 2, 2013   On August 2, 2013, Illinois State Fire Marshal Larry Matkaitis withdrew his controversial proposal to update the Illinois fire safety code, which would have required the installation of fire sprinklers in all high-rise buildings and new homes. Due to the withdrawal of this proposal, the public hearing…

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BOMA/Chicago Opposes Proposal to Extend SSA #1 Taxation to New Parcels; First Committee Hearing April 30

BOMA/Chicago Opposes Proposal to Extend SSA #1 Taxation to New Parcels; First Committee Hearing April 30 July 13, 2015 The BOMA/Chicago Board of Directors recently adopted a position to publicly oppose any attempt to renew the State Street Special Service Area (SSA) if the proposed renewal adds any additional taxable parcels not taxed under the…

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Contact Your Legislators: Mayor Emanuel’s Pension Reform Proposal

Contact Your Legislators: Mayor Emanuel’s Pension Reform Proposal July 13, 2015   Mayor Rahm Emanuel has announced a bold proposal to address a significant portion of Chicago’s pension funding dilemma with an aggressive plan to decrease benefits, increase employee contributions and increase property taxes. BOMA/Chicago’s executive leadership determined that the responsible course of action is…

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Chicago’s Proposed Energy Benchmarking Ordinance: Our Support for Energy Intel, But Opposition to Public Disclosure

Chicago’s Proposed Energy Benchmarking Ordinance: Our Support for Energy Intel, But Opposition to Public Disclosure By Michael Cornicelli On June 26, 2013, Mayor Emanuel unveiled an energy benchmarking ordinance that, if passed by the City Council, would require municipal, commercial and residential properties over 50,000 square feet to track and publicly report their energy usage.…

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Keys to Hosting Successful Building Blood Drives: Knowing Your Tenants & Creating the Right Marketing Mix

Keys to Hosting Successful Building Blood Drives: Knowing Your Tenants & Creating the Right Marketing Mix By Celeste Villanueva During the past eight years I’ve spent working in this industry, I have managed buildings with various levels of tenant engagement. While some buildings may not have an active tenant population, other buildings are sky high…

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