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2015 Emerging Leader of the Year Ashley Meyer

2015 Emerging Leader of the Year Ashley Meyer Ashley Meyer with Tishman Speyer was the recipient of the 2015 Gold Circle Awards Emerging Leader of the Year. Previously at The Franklin, Ashley has since moved to the Tishman Speyer headquarters in New York where she serves as assistant property manager at the Rockefeller Center. What…

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2013 Property Manager of the Year Susan Hammer

2013 Property Manager of the Year Susan Hammer Susan Hammer, General Manager with Riverview Realty Partners at the AMA Plaza, was the recipient of the 2013 Gold Circle Awards Property Manager of the Year. How did you get involved in the commercial real estate industry? I became involved completely by accident.  I needed a job, and…

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Rauner’s Proposed Property Tax Freeze: The Devil’s in the Details

Rauner’s Proposed Property Tax Freeze: The Devil’s in the Details In last week’s State of the State address, Governor Bruce Rauner offered up a bold agenda to turn the state around while focusing on efforts to make Illinois competitive again. Some of his key points included increasing education funding, raising the minimum wage, reforming workers’ compensation…

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2014 Property Manager of the Year David Hopwood

2014 Property Manager of the Year David Hopwood David Hopwood, General Manager with JLL at 71 South Wacker, was the recipient of the 2014 Property Manager of the Year. How did you get involved in the commercial real estate industry? Following graduation from the University of Illinois, I had turned down job offers in the banking…

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Stay Safe During Bitterly Cold Temperatures and Dangerous Snow Conditions

Stay Safe During Bitterly Cold Temperatures and Dangerous Snow Conditions By Mark Peterson, External Affairs Officer, FEMA Region V CHICAGO – Dangerously low temperatures and accumulating snow are in the forecast for much of the Midwest and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) wants individuals and families to be safe…

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USGBC Announces Extension of LEED 2009

USGBC Announces Extension of LEED 2009 December 12, 2014   The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) has announced that it will allow LEED users to register projects under the LEED 2009 rating system until October 31, 2016. The original date for LEED 2009 registration to close was June 15, 2015. Extending to October 2016 gives…

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Advocacy Challenges in the Wake of Illinois 2014 General Election

Advocacy Challenges in the Wake of Illinois 2014 General Election By Curt Fiedler, Morrill and Associates Ron Tabaczynski, BOMA/Chicago Director of Government Affairs Advocacy is often cited as the most important function performed by BOMA/Chicago on behalf of its members. As a trade association, BOMA/Chicago has an impressive history of effectiveness in representing member interests…

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Working with Chicago Police/SWAT in response to a workplace violence incident

Working with Chicago Police/SWAT in response to a workplace violence incident by Mark Kexel, Titan Security Chair of BOMA/Chicago Open Security Emergency Preparedness Committee Having up-to-date resources at your fingertips and strategic planning are critical to effectively responding to building threats, according to Lieutenant Mark Marianovich of the Chicago Police Department Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT).…

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Educational Opportunities Abound – How Will You Take Your Career to the Next Level?

Educational Opportunities Abound – How Will You Take Your Career to the Next Level? By Jaclynne Madden, BOMA/Chicago Marketing & Education Program Manager Labor Day has come and gone. The September chill is in the air. Businesses are flooding the airwaves to tout backpack sales and notebook bargains. All of the signs are here –…

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One Voice, Your Voice: Rising to Defeat the Proposed Expansion of SSA #1

One Voice, Your Voice: Rising to Defeat the Proposed Expansion of SSA #1 By Ron Tabaczynski, BOMA/Chicago Director of Government Relations One voice in a loud, crowded room can easily be ignored. Its words and opinions can cease to be heard amongst the various other voices vying for attention. But the voice of a collective…

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