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Illinois Firearm Concealed Carry Act Resources

Illinois Firearm Concealed Carry Act Resources July 13, 2015 This page houses information regarding the Illinois Concealed Carry Act, survey results, signage specifications and more. Please click on a bullet point below for information regarding Concealed Carry: Concealed Carry Survey Results Concealed Carry Proposed Rules Signage Specifications Open Security Meeting Overview (held on September 17, 2013)…

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BOMA/Chicago Opposing Exelon Bailout

BOMA/Chicago Opposing Exelon Bailout July 13, 2015   As BOMA/Chicago anticipated, comprehensive energy legislation has been introduced by competing interests in the Illinois General Assembly. Legislation filed by Exelon Corporation to create the “low carbon portfolio standard” would require electric utilities to purchase a specified percentage of low carbon energy credits from energy sources that…

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Chicago’s Commercial Office Buildings Score High Marks for Energy Efficiency

Chicago’s Commercial Office Buildings Score High Marks for Energy Efficiency July 13, 2015   The commercial office building sector scored high marks for energy efficiency in a just released report by the City of Chicago on the first year results of the Building Energy Use Benchmarking Ordinance. The report confirms what the Building Owners and…

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Special Service Areas Subject of Illinois House Hearing

Special Service Areas Subject of Illinois House Hearing July 13, 2015 BOMA/Chicago’s Director of Government Affairs, Ron Tabaczynski, recently appeared before the Illinois General Assembly’s House Revenue Committee to testify at a subject matter hearing on Special Service Areas (SSAs). Ron spoke about some major concerns BOMA/Chicago members have with SSAs, including: Scope of Service…

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Setting the Record Straight on Rumored Property Tax Increases

Setting the Record Straight on Rumored Property Tax Increases No one should be surprised about the current fiscal crisis Chicago is facing, but the abundance of recent news articles claiming our taxes are about to explode can be unnerving. And while the increases seem to be coming at us from all levels, hitting us from…

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Lawmakers must make tough decisions to address pending fiscal crises

Lawmakers must make tough decisions to address pending fiscal crises Despite a recent report ranking Illinois number two in the nation in business creation, it’s no secret there are looming fiscal issues on the city, county and state levels that will have a long-term impact our buildings, tenants and the entire business community. And while the…

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2010 Affiliate of the Year Bobby Graham

2010 Affiliate of the Year Bobby Graham Bobby Graham, National Account Sales Director at Facility Solutions Group, was the 2010 Affiliate of the Year. What was your first paying job? Don Pablo’s Mexican Restaurant as a waiter. Waiting tables taught me how to serve people well by listening to their requests and doing my best to…

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2015 Security Professional of the Year Thomas Begg

2015 Security Professional of the Year Thomas Begg Thomas Begg, Director of Security Life Safety with JLL at the AON Center, was the recipient of the 2015 Gold Circle Awards Security Professional of the Year. How did you get involved in the commercial real estate industry? After my appointment to a four year term ended as…

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BOMA/Chicago Charged Up about Exelon’s $1.6B Ratepayer Increase Legislation

BOMA/Chicago Charged Up about Exelon’s $1.6B Ratepayer Increase Legislation Exelon, ComEd and Clean Jobs Coalition all proposing Increased Rates Recently BOMA/Chicago Government Affairs Director Ron Tabaczynski and I were in Springfield where I testified before the Illinois Senate’s Energy and Utilities Committee on behalf of BOMA/Chicago in opposition to three energy bills. If passed, the…

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2011 Security Professional of the Year Donna Kobzaruk

2011 Security Professional of the Year Donna Kobzaruk Donna Kobzaruk, Midwest Region Manager at JPMorgan Chase & Co, Global Security and Military Affairs, was named 2011 Security Professional of the Year. How did you get involved in the security industry? It was all through networking. I kept in contact with a security manager who I worked…

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