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Gold Circle Awards Profile: 2018 Security Director of the Year Steven Castans

Gold Circle Awards Profile: 2018 Security Director of the Year Steven Castans Steven Castans, Director of Security with JLL at NBC Tower, was named BOMA/Chicago’s 2018 Security Director of the Year. Everyone has their own unique story about how they ended up in the commercial real estate industry. What’s yours? Upon retiring from the Police…

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Being a Part of the Bigger Solution: Highlights of BOMA/Chicago’s Energy and Sustainability Committee

Being a Part of the Bigger Solution: Highlights of BOMA/Chicago’s Energy and Sustainability Committee By Rachael Bruketta, Vice Chair of BOMA/Chicago Energy and Sustainability Committee BOMA/Chicago’s Energy and Sustainability Committee works to make member commercial buildings more energy efficient through ongoing educational programming and providing a basis for BOMA/Chicago’s energy advocacy efforts. Under the leadership…

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BOMA/Chicago Steps Up to Challenges of NextGrid Illinois

BOMA/Chicago Steps Up to Challenges of NextGrid Illinois July 25, 2018   NextGrid grew out of the December 2016 enactment of the Future Energy Jobs Act (FEJA – otherwise known as the Exelon bailout), which redefines major aspects of Illinois energy markets. It is an 18-month, collaborative study initiated by the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC)…

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Gas and Electric Energy Efficiency Incentive Program Updates

Gas and Electric Energy Efficiency Incentive Program Updates July 17, 2018   The BOMA/Chicago Energy and Sustainability Committee held an open meeting on July 11 for all BOMA/Chicago members. The meeting focused on assessments, discounts, incentives and optimization opportunities that are available for commercial real estate operators through Peoples Gas and ComEd. ComEd Energy Efficiency…

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How to Implement a Dog-Friendly Building Policy

How to Implement a Dog-Friendly Building Policy By Courtney Hamm, VP/General Manager with MB Real Estate at 1 N. LaSalle We’ve all been there. You find out you have to stay late at the office. Or even worse, you have to come in over the weekend. It’s becoming more common nowadays to spend an ever-growing…

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Decoding BOMA/Chicago’s Codes Committee

Decoding BOMA/Chicago’s Codes Committee By Bill Vail, CA Ventures and Janice Goldsmith, Zeller Realty Group From left to right: Codes Committee Chair and Vice Chair Bill Vail and Janice Goldsmith, Building Commissioner Judith Frydland and Executive Vice President Michael Cornicelli There are plenty of ways we talk about collaboration. “Playing nicely in the sandbox”, “a…

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Five Takeaways About Fitwel Certification

Five Takeaways About Fitwel Certification By Erin Vicelja and Allie Goldstein, Goby You have an existing building. You’ve recently taken steps to improve the overall environment for its occupants. You’ve made your office building community better. Now what? That’s where Fitwel certification comes in. Developed by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and…

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5 Steps to Spring Cleaning Your Parking Garage

5 Steps to Spring Cleaning Your Parking Garage By Kyle Stanish, PhD, SE, PE, Klein & Hoffman As the long-awaited spring weather begins to enter our forecast, so too does another often loathed thought – spring cleaning. While usually reserved for our homes, this annual tradition should extend to our parking structures throughout the city…

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Leave the Lights Out for Birds!

Leave the Lights Out for Birds! By Annette Price, Chicago Collision Bird Monitors Chicago building managers and owners can take pride in participating in the nation’s most successful light reduction program for migratory birds. Lights Out! Chicago asks buildings to turn off or dim bright antenna, rooftop and display lights from 11 pm to sunrise every spring…

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Subscribe to Emergency Notification Systems

Subscribe to Emergency Notification Systems March 22, 2018   Building members should subscribe directly to emergency notification alert systems to receive the most timely and accurate information. While BOMA/Chicago may also email building members regarding emergency situations, our email communications serve as a secondary source of information; the information is derived from official sources such…

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