Vote NO on the Transfer Tax Increase Referendum
Though BOMA/Chicago prevailed in Circuit Court on Friday – with the judge ruling that the Transfer Tax Increase Referendum should be invalidated and votes not tallied – the decision is being appealed by both the City of Chicago and the Chicago Board of Elections.
As we await the judicial process to unfold, the advocates have geared up their efforts to urge voters to turn out to the polls.
If you are a registered voter in Chicago, we urge you to vote NO to the Transfer Tax Increase referendum, located at the end of your ballot.
If you’re a Chicago resident and not yet registered to vote, you can register online with the Illinois State Board of Elections by March 3.
Help Spread the Word!
With advocates going door to door and misleading voters to approve this tax hike, we must work together to educate friends and colleagues about the referendum’s negative ramifications.

In Your Home and Office
Print this window sign to hang in your homes and offices.
On Social Media
Reshare our posts on LinkedIn!
Create your own post with these images and #VoteNo.
Share these commercials for your followers who engage with videos:
Get Out and Vote!
We also urge you to cast your ballot on or before March 19 and vote NO on the Transfer Tax Increase Referendum. The referendum is located at the end of the ballot.
Apply to Vote by Mail by March 14.
Early Voting is Open through March 19.
Verify your voter registration and look up your precinct polling place.
Additional Information
For additional information, please visit:
If you have questions, feel free to reach out to Amy Masters at