Lights Out Chicago! Save Migratory Birds by Reducing Collisions
March 25, 2019

Each spring, millions of migratory birds travel through Chicago and are often drawn to building lights - with fatal results. Save our migratory birds by turning off your lights by 11 p.m. from March 15 through June 15.
What You Can Do To Help
- Buildings should extinguish decorative lighting on the rooftop and upper stories after 11 p.m. every night and leave lights off until daylight. This includes lighting on antennas, logos, clocks and other displays or illuminations.
- Tenants on the upper floors are encouraged to turn lights off or close drapes or blinds after 11 p.m.
- Buildings along the lakefront or river with extensive glass exteriors should extinguish as much exterior and interior lighting as possible after 11 p.m. and close drapes or blinds.
- Dimming or extinguishing lighting in building atriums and lobbies in the pre-dawn hours greatly reduces bird strikes.
BOMA/Chicago is proud to partner with the Chicago Audubon Society, the National Audubon Society and the City of Chicago to support the Lights Out Chicago campaign and raise awareness during migratory birds each spring and fall. Learn more about theĀ Lights Out Chicago program.